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Erasmus+ programme KA220-HED

Open Access Contents on Design for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for Higher Education Programmes

Duration: 36 months (1 September 2023 – 31 August 2026)

EDIDesK EDI Equality
EDIDesK EDI Diversity
EDIDesK EDI Inclusion
Design for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion  for Higher Education Programmes

About Us

EDIDesK (EDI Design Knowledge) is the acronym of the project “Open Access Contents on Design for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for Higher Education Programmes”, which aims at improving the teaching of Design for EDI at the level of European Higher Education system. 

  • Map teaching modules on EDI-related design topics in Italy, Poland, Slovakia, and Spain, with a survey sent globally.

  • Test and propose a European framework for teaching Design for EDI into UG and PG programmes.

  • Create an open access digital learning platform to collect and share teaching materials on Design for EDI.

  • Develop a set of multilanguage teaching contents on Design for EDI for different sectors.

  • Promote open collaborations.

Objectives of the project
  • Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination

  • Research and innovation

  • Digital skills and competences

The strategic beneficiaries of the EDIDesK project are HEIs in the EU delivering UG and PG Design and Design-related programmes. They will benefit of novel open access teaching and learning methodologies as well as contents that propose peer-reviewed knowledge on Design for EDI. Specifically, EDIDesK has identified three main groups of beneficiaries.

Target beneficiaries

EDIDesK (EDI Design Knowledge) is the acronym of the project “Open Access Contents on Design for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for Higher Education Programmes”, which aims at improving the teaching of Design for EDI at the level of European HE system. 


Duration: 36 months (1 September 2023 – 31 August 2026)

Objectives of the project

Map teaching modules on EDI-related design topics in Italy, Poland, Slovakia, and Spain, with a survey sent globally.

Test and propose a European framework for teaching Design for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion into UG and PG programmes.

Create an open access digital learning platform to collect and share teaching materials on Design for EDI.

Develop a set of multilanguage teaching contents on Design for EDI for different sectors.

Promote open collaborations.

EDIDesK (EDI Design Knowledge) is the acronym of the project “Open Access Contents on Design for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for Higher Education Programmes”, which aims at improving the teaching of Design for EDI at the level of European HE system. 


“Gabriele D’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara, ITALY 

Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice, POLAND 

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, SLOVAKIA

ELISAVA School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona, SPAIN 

University of Florence, ITALY

EIDD Design for All Europe, AUSTRIA

Cumulus Association, FINLAND


  • “Gabriele D’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara, ITALY (Project Lead)

  • ELISAVA School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona, SPAIN 

  • Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, SLOVAKIA

  • Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice, POLAND 

  • University of Florence, ITALY

  • Cumulus Association, FINLAND

  • EIDD Design for All Europe, AUSTRIA

  • Name: Emilio Rossi


    Web page:


    Key persons involved: Emilio Rossi, Rossana Gaddi, Raffaella, Massacesi, Alessio D’Onofrio, Antonio Marano

  • Name: Marta Więckowska


    Web page:


    Key persons involved: Marta Więckowska, Anna Lorenc, Agata Chmielarz, Martyna Piątek, Hanna Sitarz, Kinga Pawlik, Jeremiasz Rzenno

  • Name: Zuzana Ceresnova


    Web page:


    Key persons involved: Klara Machacova, Martina Bezakova, Lea Rollova, Natalia Boskova Filova, Michal Kacej

  • Name: Massimo Menichinelli


    Web page:


    Key persons involved: Massimo Menichinelli, Iván Paz, Elena Elizondo Nieva, Cristina González Avendaño

  • Name: Alessia Brischetto


    Web page:


    Key persons involved: Alessia Brischetto, Ester Iacono, Yuan Libin

  • Name: Giuseppe Di Bucchianico 


    Web page: 


  • Name: Lorenzo Imbesi


    Web page:


    Key persons involved: Lorenzo Imbesi, Nicola Morelli, Teresa Franqueira, Eija Salmi


  • Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination

  • Research and innovation

  • Digital skills and competences


  • Map teaching modules on EDI-related design topics in Italy, Poland, Slovakia, and Spain, with a survey sent globally.

  • Test and propose a European framework for teaching Design for EDI into UG and PG programmes.

  • Create an open access digital learning platform to collect and share teaching materials on Design for EDI.

  • Develop a set of multilanguage teaching contents on Design for EDI for different sectors.

  • Promote open collaborations.

Objectives of the project



EDIDesK (EDI Design Knowledge) is the acronym of the project “Open Access Contents on Design for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for Higher Education Programmes”, which aims at improving the teaching of Design for EDI at the level of European HE system. 

The strategic beneficiaries of the EDIDesK project are HEIs in the EU delivering UG and PG Design and Design-related programmes. They will benefit of novel open access teaching and learning methodologies as well as contents that propose peer-reviewed knowledge on Design for EDI. Specifically, EDIDesK has identified three main groups of beneficiaries.

Target beneficiaries


Erasmus+ programme (KA220-HED).

Open Access Contents on Design for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for Higher Education Programmes.

Erasmus+ programme (KA220-HED).

Open Access Contents on Design for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for Higher Education Programmes.

The EU creative industry requires HEIs to train graduates in Design for EDI (Equality, Diversity, Inclusion). Biased teaching contents on EDI and knowledge fragmentation prevent graduates from being prepared to work in future markets


This project aims to improve the teaching of Design for EDI into the EU’s HE system by using digital open access tools


The project involves five EU HEIs and two NGOs with extensive experience in Design and Inclusion.


A. Knowledge systematisation on Design and EDI / B. Creation of an EU teaching framework on Design for EDI/ C. Creation of a digital learning platform to access open access multi-language contents /

D. Promotion activities to engage stakeholders and raise awareness on the project and its results.


Creation of a digital work environment to allow all partners to cooperate and produce joint high-quality results. 


A digital learning platform delivering open access multi-language contents on Design for EDI will allow staff and students to access lectures, modules, seminars, etc.,

in an inclusive modality  for a variety of subjects (i.e., industrial design, architecture, etc.).

The platform will create critical masses of scholars and contents on EDI for long-term improvements of the HE sector. 


  • Accademia


    Web page:

  • Accademia


    Web page:

  • Design


    Web page:

  • NGO


    Web page:

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