Project Managenment
WP1 includes strategic activities concerning the management and the implementation of all project activities. WP1 also involves coordination with project partners, follow-ups, and tracking of the financial resources.
Research and analysis of teaching contents on Design and EDI
WP2 aims at defining, within the context of Design studies in the HE sector, existing practices and tools used to develop contents on Design for EDI, as well as investigations on inclusive teaching models and suitable technologies to create inclusive learning environments.
Development of an EU framework on 'Design for EDI' and pilot tests with students and stakeholders
WP3 aims at developing replicable and scalable methodologies for the design of new teaching contents on Design for EDI for different fields (i.e., product design, service design, communication, architecture, etc.). Information for the creation of themed contents, lectures and seminars for UG and PG modules will be created in an accessible way.
Design and implementation of an open access digital learning platform on 'Design for EDI'
WP4 aims to design and implement a digital learning platform for the upload and download of open access multi-language contents on Design for EDI. The platform will employ the outcomes produced in WP2 and WP3 to promote inclusivity in the HE system.
Dissemination, outreach, and engagement with relevant stakeholders in EU and beyond
WP5 implements an effective set of communication activities to promote the EDIDesK project and all its results in a three-year progression to wider academic and societal communities, as well as outreach to relevant stakeholders.
WP1 Deliverables
D 1.1.1 Project Handbook - download
D 1.1.2 Project Management Plan - download
D 1.1.3 Risk Management Plan - download
D 1.1.4 Deliverables Acceptance Plan - download
D 1.2.1 Kick-off Meeting - download
D 1.5.1 External Advisory Board - download
WP2 Deliverables
D 2.1.1 Research and analysis of teaching contents on Design and EDI - download
D 2.1.1 Annexes - download
D 2.2.1 Digital and traditional teaching and learning methodologies - download
D 2.3.1 Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Best Practices - download
D 2.4.1 Virtuous contents and methodologies for promising replications into digital environments - download
D 2.4.1 Annexes - download
WP3 Deliverables
D 3.1.1. Generalized Teaching Framework on Design for EDI - download
WP5 Deliverables
D 5.1.1. Dissemination, Outreach, and Engagement Plan - download
EDIDesK_Brand Identity Guidelines - download
D 5.5.1. Hybrid Conference | EDIDesK Project Presentation at ICEQ Congress (Youtube)
Rossi, E.; Brischetto, A. (2024) Contribution of the ‘Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion’ Concept to Design Education: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability, 16, 8478.